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Houdini H1-012901T Winged Corkscrew / Each

(87 reviews)
$12.84 14% Off $14.99
  • Mfr. Part Number: H1-012901T
  • Alt. PN: H1012901T
  • Manufacturer: Houdini
  • UPC: 022578108971
  • SKU: 2733202 (10)
  • Stock: 17 left in stock
  • Days to Ship: 1 Days
  • Weight: 0.85 lbs.
The Houdini Wing Corkscrew is an essential tool for any home bar or kitchen. This classic corkscrew twin arms provide extra leverage to remove wine corks with ease. Constructed of durable plastic and chrome plated metal for long service life. Designed to fit any size bottle. Dishwasher-safe for easy cleaning. HOW TO USE: 1. Squeeze corkscrew around bottle neck and align the spiral with the center of the cork 2. Grip the corkscrew body and begin to turn the handle clockwise 3. Turn handle until the Aca-"wings are upright 4. Using both hands, push Aca-"wings down 5. To remove cork from spiral, squeeze sides against cork and turn handle counterclockwise 6. Top-rack dishwasher safe Shake it up! Whether you are an at-home mixologist or an amateur wine connoisseur, Houdini by Rabbit provides exceptional tools to inspire you to celebrate the moments. Like Rabbit, Houdini is continually evolving and takes pride in delivering quality and value at an everyday price point. The Houdini Wing Corkscrew is an essential tool for any home bar or kitchen. This classic corkscrew twin arms provide extra leverage to remove wine corks with ease. Constructed of durable plastic and chrome plated metal for long service life. Designed to fit any size bottle. Dishwasher-safe for easy cleaning. HOW TO USE: 1. Squeeze corkscrew around bottle neck and align the spiral with the center of the cork 2. Grip the corkscrew body and begin to turn the handle clockwise 3. Turn handle until the "wings" are upright 4. Using both hands, push "wings" down 5. To remove cork from spiral, squeeze sides against cork and turn handle counterclockwise 6. Top-rack dishwasher safe Shake it up! Whether you are an at-home mixologist or an amateur wine connoisseur, Houdini by Rabbit provides exceptional tools to inspire you to celebrate the moments. Like Rabbit, Houdini is continually evolving and takes pride in delivering quality and value at an everyday price point.
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